The change in Presidency has infused optimism across our nation. Many are celebrating with a sigh of relief knowing we have a competent person behind the Resolute Desk. Day One was filled with pardons and executive orders that were a welcome liberation – 1500 J6ers pardoned, implementation of merit-based hiring, deployment of troops to secure our borders, drilling for oil in Alaska, designating cartels as terrorists, protecting women from gender ideological extremism, and the removal of the United States from the WHO. These are just a few of the many resolute decisions Trump made his first day. I could hear the Hallelujah chorus being sung from sea to shining sea.
And then… Day Two.
Day Two was a sock in the gut. Trump held a press conference announcing the $500 billion AI Stargate program led by the likes of Sam Altman and Larry Ellison. Pardon me while I gasp in horror. Stargate proposes to create AI infrastructure throughout our nation enabling the United States to lead the way in the advancements of AI technology.
Isn’t that better than China leading the way?
Yes… well, sort of.
The rush to beat China in AI technology is short-sighted. Yampolskiy, University of Louisville associate professor and expert on AI, warns “as soon as we create superintelligence, it doesn’t really matter who created it… the outcome will be the same…Unless we stop creating more powerful AIs, this is not going to end well.”[i]
Full disclosure, I did not vote for Trump in 2024. In 2016, I could not tolerate Trump but I asked the Lord who He wanted me to vote for. He directed me to vote for Trump. At first, I wasn’t convinced I heard correctly, so I asked Jesus for confirmation. He confirmed it three different times, so I obeyed and voted for Trump. And I was so thankful I did!
In 2020, I felt like it was a no brainer, so I voted for Trump. I failed to ask the Lord how He wanted me to vote. Afterwards, I realized the error of my ways and repented for my independent mindset. In 2024, I did not want to make the same mistake, so I asked the Lord how He wanted me to vote. I was convinced it was not for Kamala, so I was prepared to vote for Trump again, but this time, the Lord told me NOT to vote for President. I was stunned. I have never withheld my vote for President; I consider it such a privilege to vote and I deeply appreciate the blood that was shed by our military for my right to vote. I asked the Lord “why?” He told me it was because of the mixture Trump is involved in. He did not want me aligned with that mixture. I refrained from sharing this publicly before election day because I did not want to sway anyone. I believe we are each responsible before God for our vote and should ask Him how we are to vote. He may tell me not to vote while he tells someone else to vote and for completely different reasons.
Revelation of the Method
By not voting for Trump in 2024, it has allowed me to examine things without as much confirmation bias and to pick up on the revelation of the method being displayed. In Part Two, I will address what was displayed during the inauguration.
Revelation of the method is used by Nephilim Hosts to reveal sinister agendas in plain sight but cloaking them in subtext and symbolism. Michael Hoffman II, former reporter of the New York bureau of Associated Press, defines revelation of the method in his book Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare,
“The alchemical principle of the Revelation of the Method has as its chief component, a clown-like, grinning mockery of the victim(s) as a show of power and macabre arrogance. When this is performed in a veiled manner, accompanied by certain occult signs and symbolic words and elicits no meaningful response of opposition or resistance from the target(s), it is one of the most efficacious techniques of psychological warfare and mind-rape.
"The Revelation of the Method… alludes to the process wherein murderous deeds and hair-raising conspiracies involving wars, revolutions, decapitations, secret archaeo-astronomic deity cult worship, and every manner of horror show are first buried beneath a cloak of secrecy…and then, when finally accomplished and secured, slowly revealed to the unsuspecting populace who watch…deep frozen…as the hidden history is unveiled… In the meantime, exposure itself does not defeat the cryptocracy, because given the degraded and atrophied nature of modern man's perceptions and insight today, such revelations may only serve to strengthen the cryptocracy's mental hold. The record shows that the recent revelations of occult crime are almost never accompanied by arrests, prosecutions, convictions, and punishment of the initiates involved, hence the reputation of the cryptocracy’s invincibility is heightened by the revelations.”[ii]
Hoffman lays out three phases of revelation of the method: predictive programming, creating the trauma event, and the freeze-thaw state. Predictive programming is described by AI advocate and author, Thomas Ernest Ross, Jr. as,
“a method (that) serves to gently introduce and familiarize the public with future events or ideas, subtly shaping our perceptions and, more alarmingly, our acceptance of them. It’s like a spell, planted in our minds, that not only steals our free will but also leads us to co-create outcomes we wouldn’t want. The media and entertainment industries are their chosen medium, weaving these spells into the narratives that we consume daily.”[iii]
The Hegelian dialectic adds another layer of insight as to the machinations of the Nephilim Agenda. Simply stated, the Hegelian dialectic, like revelation of the method, also has three phases: problem, reaction, and solution. The occultists/global elites/Nephilim Hosts create the problem (i.e. COVID-19) which then triggers a reaction in the masses (fear and panic) for which the globalists already have a pre-determined solution (shut-down and mask mandates).
The dialectic works seamlessly with revelation of the method. The Opening Ceremony of the 2012 London Olympics is an example of this. It featured nurses and doctors dancing while children were in hospital beds. A black magician released demonic entities that chased the children to bring death upon them. The stadium was then lit to resemble a coronavirus. Some say the London Opening Ceremonies was a black magic ritual, I agree. This is an example of what Ross Jr. describes as predictive programming. Nephilim Hosts placed a spell on the masses during a black magic ritual which hoodwinked those that watched, entrapping them in mind control programming.
Dancing nurses with hospital beds
Dancing doctors and nurses
Dancing nurses during the 2020 plandemic
Black magician casting spells on children
Demonic death entity chasing children
Stadium lit to symbolize Coronavirus
Graphic simulation of Coronavirus
The London Olympics activated phase one of revelation of the method with regards to the plandemic. Phase two, the trauma event, is self-explanatory since we all lived it which was the release of the virus from the Wuhan Lab. The freeze-thaw phase coincides, in part, with the trauma event. The mind control programming released during phase one keeps the masses frozen, unable to think critically when faced with the trauma event. Even though there are glaring incongruencies within the dialectic narrative, the populace can’t think straight. Gradually, once the damage is done, Nephilim Hosts allow the evidence to slowly trickle out which then thaws the populace to the notion that the pandemic was really a plandemic. Like magic, Nephilim Hosts receive presidential pardons for their egregious acts and it appears that justice is skirted. BUT we know that one day, they will face the judgment of the Most High.
“The freeze-wait-revive scheme is part of the master plan of Masonic Sorcery… The ability of the Secret Government to immobilize the release of vital information to the public is in part due to the apathy of American people, who are benumbed by revelation after revelation. It is a peculiar phenomenon that certain revelations move people to action while episodic revelations of the same type stun them into inaction.”[iv]
Nephilim Hosts use revelation of the method to shape the collective psyche of the populace and force us to participate in a future we never asked for. Through the propaganda mechanisms of media, they manipulate our perceptions causing us to make choices based on a reality they have created.
SPELLing Casts Spells
Words are used to cast spells by occultists. Words like “Stargate” and phrases like “The Golden Age of America” have metanarratives attached to them. We must know that Nephilim Hosts have a “code of ethics” (tongue in cheek) which grants them permission to exact tyrannical control over the masses as long as the populace is made aware of their sinister agendas. If the masses are too distracted to pay attention to the clues which reveal the Nephilim Agenda, then the fodder doesn’t deserve life, liberty, or the pursuit of happiness. Yes, they view us as fodder.
In Trump’s inaugural address, he declared “The Golden Age of America begins right now.”[v] Most people may think this is just a reference to an age of prosperity and possibly a return to the gold standard. This is a very likely explanation, but we also must consider the layers of meaning embedded in his words. The “Golden Age” could also be referencing work by Helena Blavatsky and Alice Bailey. In 1888, Helena Blavatsky, founder of Theosophy, wrote in her magnum opus The Secret Doctrine,
“It was the 'Golden Age' in those days of old, the age when the ‘gods walked the earth, and mixed freely with mortals.’ Since then, the gods departed (f. e, became invisible), and later generations ended by worshiping their kingdoms — the Elements.”[vi]
Blavatsky refers to the “Golden Age” as the time of the Genesis 6 incursion when the fallen sons of God mixed their seed with human seed to birth Nephilim. Even more telling are the writings by Alice Bailey, a like-minded esoteric member of the Theosophical Society. Notice the occult symbols on the Theosophical Society Seal? I could write an entire article just on this seal.
Theosophical Society Seal
Bailey was a prolific writer who received telepathic dictation from her "Master of Wisdom" whom she referred to as “the Tibetan.” In 1957, she wrote about the important date of 2025 in The Externalization of the Hierarchy,
“In 2025 the date in all probability will be set for the first stage of the externalisation of the Hierarchy. The present cycle (from now until that date) is called technically "The Stage of the Forerunner". It is preparatory in nature, testing in its methods, and intended to be revelatory in its techniques and results. You can see therefore that Chohans, Masters, initiates, world disciples, disciples and aspirants affiliated with the Hierarchy are all at this time passing through a cycle of great activity….
“This new released energy can prove itself a "saving force" for all mankind, releasing from poverty, ugliness, degradation, slavery and despair; it will destroy the great monopolies, take the curse out of labor, and open the door into that golden age for which all men wait, it will level all the artificial layers of modern society and liberate men from the constant anxiety and grueling toil which have been responsible for so much disease and death. When these new and better conditions are established, then men will be free to live and move in beauty and to seek the "Lighted Way."[vii]
Could Trump’s declaration, “the Golden Age of America starts now” be a nod to Bailey’s prophecy that the Golden Age begins in 2025 and everything leading up to it was preparatory? Think about the preparatory nature of the mRNA COVID “vaccines” that were mandated by employers and universities. Many discerning Christians acknowledge that this was preparation for the mark of the beast. It demonstrated to Nephilim Hosts how effective their methods of mind control were and what alterations need to be made before they roll out the next phase of their totalitarian take-over.
Stargate – An AI Portal?
Day Two was the announcement of Stargate, a private AI venture between OpenAI, Softbank, Oracle, and MGX. Trump told the American people in a press conference, “Stargate, so put that name down in your books. I think you are going to hear a lot about it in the future.”[viii] The nomenclature “Stargate” is another example of revelation of the method. Stargate implies a portal to other dimensions. In 1994, a film named Stargate was based on a ringed device found in the Giza pyramid complex which opened portals to other dimensions.[ix]
In 1977, a U.S. Army clandestine unit named the Stargate Project was mobilized. The project involved remote viewing.[x][xi] Remote viewing is practiced by the occult. It is the ability to psychically “see” or have a knowing about events, sites, or information from afar. Remote viewing is synonymous with clairvoyance. Psychics are able to conduct remote viewings because of their connection with dark spirits who provide them with information. Remote viewing can also be accessed by looking through a portal. Hmm.
Is Trump signaling that a portal will be opened through the Stargate AI project? If so, what will this portal be accessing? Elon Musk may have already provided us with the answer - the portal may be accessing demons.
“I think we should be very careful about artificial intelligence. If I were to guess like what our biggest existential threat is, it’s probably that. So we need to be very careful with the artificial intelligence. Increasingly scientists think there should be some regulatory oversight maybe at the national and international level, just to make sure that we don’t do something very foolish. With artificial intelligence we are summoning the demon. In all those stories where there’s the guy with the pentagram and the holy water, it’s like yeah he’s sure he can control the demon. Didn’t work out.”[xii]
Remember Blavatsky’s connection of the Golden Age with the Genesis 6 incursion? It begs the question, will Stargate be summoning demons, who are the departed spirits of the Nephilim (Enoch 15:8 – 16:1), to usher in the Golden Age of incursions, like in the days of Noah?
Matthew 24:37 “But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.”
Larry Ellison proposed that Stargate will allow for efficient detection of cancer and rapid creation of an individualized mRNA vaccine to fight cancer. He suggested that within 48 hours of cancer diagnosis, an mRNA vaccine would be created to treat the cancer.[xiii] On the surface, this may sound good, but some are appropriately calling Stargate - Operation Warp Speed 2.0.
Operation Warp Speed 1.0 was an utter failure. The VAERS data from May 26, 2023, reported 1,529,779 adverse events from the COVID-19 “vaccines.”[xiv] This is estimated to be only 1% of the actual adverse events reported which means nearly 153 million adverse events have occurred from the clot shot. But that’s not even the worst of it.
Based on the VAERS data as of May 26, 2023, there have been 35,009 deaths caused by the COVID-19 “vaccine.”[xv] This is horrifying!!! The Swine Flu vaccine was halted by U.S. regulators in 1976 when they discovered it was linked to the deaths of twenty-five people. “For every life saved from COVID, there were four excess heart attack fatalities” as a result of the clot shot.[xvi] Why have U.S. regulators allowed 35,009 deaths and not halted the COVID-19 “vaccine”? The meteoric rise in deaths since the mRNA shots have been administered should awaken even those who have been in the deepest slumber.
Given this track record, WE DO NOT CONSENT to Stargate AI developing rapid mRNA shots to treat cancer.
AI Infrastructure
Stargate proposes to develop AI infrastructure throughout the whole nation. What exactly does this mean?
Think Smart Cities.
Think Agenda 2030.
Think Orwell's 1984.
AI Infrastructure equates to an increase in surveillance of the populace without our knowledge with a goal of implementing sustainable development. I don’t know about you but I prefer to avoid Smart Cities. Can I live in a dumb city please?
In the United States, sustainable development calls for the implementation of two action plans in regards to land use: the Wildlands Network (aka Wildlands Project) and Smart Growth. The Wildlands Network is the “plan to eliminate human presence on ‘at least’ 50 percent of the American landscape, and to heavily control human activity on most of the rest of American land.”[xvii]
Below is a map of the United States under the implementation of the Wildlands Network. Most notable on the map are the sections in red; these are the areas that will become off limits to human activity! The areas in green are the areas referred to as “zones of cooperation” for normal use and the areas in black are Smart Growth human settlements. The goal of the Wildlands Network is to remove people from rural America and move them into densely populated human settlements.
Wildlands Network Map. Prepared by Dr. Michael Coffman. Environmental Perspectives, Inc.
“The Wildlands Network seeks to collectivize all natural resources (e.g. water) and centralize all use decisions under bureaucratic direction, often implemented through public private partnership.”[xviii] In a nutshell, this plan is an Orwellian nightmare! We are already seeing the implementation of this with the fires in Maui, Los Angeles, Santa Rosa, Paradise, and the flood damaged rural areas of North Carolina. The recent Los Angeles fires allow the rapid progression of SmartLA 2028.
Yep, like clockwork, Nephilim Hosts roll out their agenda.
I recognize this may be difficult to swallow. As hard as it is to consider these things, we must remember that Jesus is our living hope! He never leaves us nor forsakes us. This truly is the best news of all because like the Apostle Paul, we can discover the secret of being content in any situation.
Some may say we are living in the worst of times, but I believe we are living in the best of times! Yes, evil is maturing in the earth BUT so is the Body of Christ. The light of Jesus in us dispels the darkness. Nephilim Hosts may think they can enslave us but the good news is that we can appeal to a higher jurisdiction, the Most High, for justice and protection. We can stand upon His Word which provides hope even in the midst of devastation.
Psalm 46:1-3, 7 “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging. The Lord Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress.”
There is no better way to live than having the assurance that the Lord Almighty is our refuge and strength. It means no weapon formed against us will prosper. Hallelujah!
Written by Laura Sanger, Ph.D.
[i] Cudahy, M. (January 27, 2025). Everything You Need to Know About Stargate, the Massive AI Infrastructure Initiative.
[ii] Hoffman, M. (2001). Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare, pg. 52. Coeur d’Alene, ID: Revisionists History.
[iii] Ross, E. Jr. (October 31, 2023). Revelation of the Method.
[iv] Downard, S. J. (1993) Sorcery, Sex, Assassination and the Science of Symbolism, Secret and Suppressed: Banned Ideas and Hidden History, edited by Jim Keith, Feral House.
[v] Trump, D. (January 20, 2025). The Inaugural Address.
[vi] Blavatsky, H. (1888). The Secret Doctrine. Harvard University Americana Book Collection.
[vii] Bailey, A. (1957). The Externalization of the Hierarchy. Lucis Trust.
[viii] Cudahy, M. (January 27, 2025). Everything You Need to Know About Stargate, the Massive AI Infrastructure Initiative.
[ix] Stargate (film). Wikipedia.
[x] FOIA CIA Stargate papers (November, 4 2016). Magician Walks into the Laboratory.
[xi] Stargate Project (U.S. Army Unit). Wikipedia.
[xii] McFarland, M. (October 24, 2014). Elon Musk: ‘With Artificial Intelligence We Are Summoning the Demon.’ Washington Post,
[xiii] Genovese, D. (January 23, 2025) Trump’s AI Fueling Early Cancer Detection: Oracle’s Larry Ellison. Newsweek.
[xiv] VAERS Data 5/26/23. Med Alerts Retrieved from
[xv] Ibid.
[xvi] Ibid.
[xvii] Understanding Sustainable Development – Agenda 21 Pamphlet (2012). Freedom Advocates. Retrieved from
[xviii] Ibid.