Have you ever enjoyed meeting someone whom you realized was very interesting to have a conversation discussing a matter? Well, I have found my conversations with Dr. Laura Sanger to be one of those people whom I really enjoy hearing what she has to say. In addition to her academic credentials, Laura has the anointing to research matters. In this podcast, Laura shares the fruit of her gifting with us on one of the most important matters of our time: the diabolical control usurped from “We the People” and being exercised over America and the nations of the world through the secret societies who are in league with Satan. Laura traces the beginning of the war we are engaged in from the origins of the Seed war when God cursed Satan and prophesied that the “seed of the woman would crush his head and he would bruise his heel”. After pulling back the curtain of the deceit more degrees than in our last podcast, Laura exposes the “unfruitful works of darkness” from Genesis through our present day, showing specifically where they are operating from and how they got there. Come listen to Dr. Sanger describe how she understands we are equipped by God our Father to combat this evil in our day, here and now.