How Our Dominion Authority Overcomes Fear

How Our Dominion Authority Overcomes Fear

 This is a novel podcast with an exceptionally talented and insightful “Avid Researcher of Truth” Dr. Laura Sanger, a Clinical Psychologist and has an MA in Theology. Dr. Laura discusses the equipment people need to overcome fear in all its many forms. Naturally, her insights are Scriptural and would only apply to Believers in the Lord, Yeshua Elohim (Jesus). Sadly, many Believers are unaware of these truths and consequently are not able to walk in Dominion Authority on the earth.  Normally, we try to offer our listeners 2-3 takeaways per Podcast. This one has about 10 takeaways! Come listen to Laura share her experiences with overcoming the fear of death. Subsequently, she was able to teach her children how to overcome fear themselves. Listen to her story how she overheard her 4 year old speak to the spirit of fear and overcome it by the words her child spoke.  Furthermore, my youngest son recognized the Fear of Death was the “Mother of all fears” and how he overcame Mother of all fears as well. We know you will appreciate this podcast so much you will pass it on to whomever you know who is fighting to overcome depression or any form of worry, anxiety or fear. You will really enjoy this podcast. It is one of our best ones to date. 


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