Has anyone else found it difficult to keep up with all the changes President Trump is implementing? When I try, it feels like my head starts spinning. It is astonishing the pace at which he moves. I am rejoicing that our prayers are being answered as a spotlight is now exposing the dark operations of our shadowy government. Hallelujah!! But I also have a growing concern about the expansionist takeover mentality Trump is exuding and the ways he is advancing the Nephilim Agenda. The whirlwind of commotion Trump is stirring up makes me think of the magic circle I wrote about in Generation Hoodwinked. To resist being pulled into the centrifugal force of the whirlwind, we must extricate ourselves from the magic circle. But how do we do that?
Matthew 7:24-27 “Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash.”
The first step in pulling away from the magic circle is being grounded in God’s Word. When the winds of change are blowing heavily, if we have built our lives upon the firm foundation of Christ, we will not fall. When Jesus is our Rock, we will not be tossed to and fro from one side of the Hegelian dialectic to the other.
Ephesians 4:14 “Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of people in their deceitful scheming.”
The second step is to incorporate Hebrew thinking (both/and) into our Greek mindsets (either/or). With a Greek mindset, it is easy to fall into black/white, either/or thinking because it is based on linear logic.
“The Greeks used a linear logic that flows in steps from premises to a conclusion. Each step is linked closely to the next in a coherent, rational, logical fashion. The conclusion is almost always limited to one view- a human being’s limited perspective on reality. It takes into account only things that can be understood within the finite minds of the human cranium and stutters and stumbles at realities beyond its comprehension. Man has ever thirsted to understand things too wonderful for him; and in so doing, often grossly limits the true reality of issues by reducing them to the size of his or her own mind. This is why we are told not to lean to our own understanding, but in all our ways acknowledge Him and He will direct our paths.”[i]
In the Greek mindset, articulate debate is the pinnacle of achievement. In ancient Greece, the intellectual elite would gather in theaters to engage in philosophical debates in which only one victor emerged. The winner would be crowned with laurels and deemed the purveyor of truth.
Conversely, a Hebrew mindset incorporates dualistic thinking which embraces opposing ideas without the consternation that comes from a Greek mindset. Hebrew thinking allows us to draw conclusions based on a “both/and” rather than an “either/or” approach. For example, Jesus is both the Lamb of God (John 1:29) and the Lion of the tribe of Judah (Revelation 5:5). Hell is both the blackest darkness (Jude 13) and a fiery lake (Revelation 19:20).
With this in mind, is it possible that Trump is both exposing the fruitless deeds of darkness and participating in them simultaneously? Is it possible for Elon Musk to expose corruption and money laundering through his work with DOGE while also advancing the Nephilim Agenda through Neuralink? To answer these questions, let’s review some of the recent displays of revelation of the method by the MAGA camp.
On November 6, 2024, Elon Musk posted on X, a picture of a victorious Trump with the title “Novus Ordo Seclorum.” What is he alluding to? “Novus Ordo Seclorum” translates to “a new order of the ages” and often signifies the New World Order.
Wait a minute! I thought Trump fights against the globalist/Nephilim Agenda.
Yes, with one hand he fights against it… and with the other, he shakes on deals that accelerate it. A Hebrew mindset helps us recognize that it’s both/and. We celebrate all that is being done to combat the Nephilim Agenda, especially knowing that our prayers have played a huge role in these victories. But we must not breathe a sigh of relief just because Trump is in office. Stay vigilant and on your knees in prayer!
Don’t succumb to the Hegelian incantation, “trust the plan” or “trust Trump” when he does something that causes you great concern. This is how we become deceived. In Generation Hoodwinked, I discuss the Hegelian dialectic and the incantations that lure us into the magic circle where we become hoodwinked and unable to think clearly. In my articles, No Longer Enslaved by Fear and Fear Not, I provide examples of the Hegelian dialectics from 2020-2023.
“Trust the science” was a Hegelian incantation unleashed on us in 2020 and we know how that turned out. Millions of Americans were killed by the death protocols in the hospitals involving Remdesivir and ventilators and if that didn’t kill them, the clot shot did. We must not forget the devastating effects of Operation Warp Speed because on Day Two of his second term, Trump effectively announced Operation Warp Speed 2.0. Like many of you, I am thrilled that RFK Jr. is going to attempt to make America healthy again. He has a track record of being a great watch dog regarding adverse events (AE) stemming from vaccines. Let’s hope and pray, he reigns in the technocrats Trump nearly knighted with the announcement of Stargate.
Consider this, the Hegelian dialectic of 2024 may have purposefully steered the nation toward re-electing Donald Trump – “order from chaos.” If so, why? I think Elon Musk told us - Novus Ordo Seclorum.
The incompetence of the Biden Administration had many Americans frustrated, even disgusted, to the point that voters handed Trump a decisive win. He beat Kamala in all seven swing states leading him to declare an “unprecedented and powerful” mandate to govern.[ii] It’s been difficult to keep up with the rapid-fire policy changes he is implementing. With the slow crawl of Biden’s pace, akin to a snail, Trump has the fervor, vigor, and speed of a cheetah. Much of what he is currently doing will improve our nation, for which I am grateful, but we cannot glaze over the significant ways he is advancing the Nephilim Agenda in our nation and effectively, around the world.
Order From Chaos
I hear many say that Trump is bringing "order from chaos." I agree, he is bringing order to the chaos unleashed on our nation during the Biden administration. But he is also creating chaos as he breaks apart the old guard in order to restructure government and rid it of waste, corruption, and inefficiency. I celebrate the dismantling of the old order of government bureaucracy but let’s be discerning of what may be happening before our eyes. “Ordo ab chao” is a motto of Freemasonry, more specifically, a motto of the 33rd degree. The phrase “order from chaos” casts a spell over people by using a Masonic incantation. Freemason, Jonathan Dinsmore writes, “As Chaos ensues, old orders are broken down to allow new ones to emerge. Like Yin and Yang, death and rebirth, Order and Chaos follow from and give birth to one another, in an ever-renewing cycle of creation and evolution.”[iii]
The symbol of yin and yang is yet another layer of the revelation of the method. This will become clearer as we look at the subtle signals communicated during the inauguration.
These symbols, along with the Hegelian dialectic of 2024, reveal the “light side” is defeating the “dark side,” but the “light side” is not what most Christians think. In the Babylonian system that runs the governments of the world (Revelation 17), the “light side” is Luciferian and the “dark side” is Satanic. Another way to think of it is the head of the snake is eating the tail – the Ouroboros.
Remember the seal for the Theosophical Society from WE DO NOT CONSENT Part One? It incorporates the Ouroboros, the head of the snake eating its tail, as well as the Star of David and the Swastika. The Star of David and the Swastika is the yin and the yang; it’s the same beast. If you are interested in discovering the origins of the Star of David, I write about it in Chapter 19 of The Roots of the Federal Reserve.
Subtle Signals
In 2017, President Trump was sworn in by placing his hand on the Bible. Why is this significant? By doing this, he acknowledged that Almighty God has the highest jurisdiction. The Most High is the one who sets up and deposes kings, presidents, and prime ministers.
Daniel 2:20-22 “Daniel answered and said: ‘Blessed be the name of God forever and ever, for wisdom and might are His. And He changes the times and the seasons; He removes kings and raises up kings; He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding. He reveals deep and secret things; He knows what is in the darkness, and light dwells with Him.”
When Trump took his oath on the Bible, he acknowledged that he was submitted to the jurisdiction of the Most High. This photo from the 2017 inauguration showcases how beautifully warm and inviting Melania looked as she smiled in adoration.
In stark contrast, the inauguration of 2025, Melania looked militant, cold, shadowy, and uninviting. More importantly, Trump did not place his hand on the Bible while being sworn in even though Melania was standing next to him holding the Bible.
Why would he choose not to submit to the highest jurisdiction of the Most High? Why would he start his second term in this way, especially given so many Christians believe he’s a born-again believer? I used to think George W. Bush was a born-again believer. How does that saying go? “Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.” Why did Melania choose to wear a wool boater hat pulled down to prevent us from seeing her eyes? What was the first lady communicating?
Everything. Is. Done. On. Purpose.
Countless articles have been written on Melania’s fashion statement during the inauguration. I will add to the discussion by bringing forth a possible meaning that is nearly taboo to discuss.
National and international events such as inaugurations, Super Bowls, Olympics, concerts, and coronation ceremonies are used as programming events. Satanic Ritual Abuse and MK Ultra use programming as a form of mind control. These events are often scripted by Nephilim Hosts to send signals to programmed individuals through frequencies, songs, sounds, clothing, catch phrases, and hand gestures. These events activate people that have numerous mind control programs running in their subconscious mind. Some of these programmed individuals have assassin programs activated by the comms at these events. This is why at times there are mass shootings following a Super Bowl and/or an inauguration.
The day of Super Bowl LIX (2024), a shooting occurred at the Lakewood Church in Texas, where Joel Osteen pastors. Two days later, during the Super Bowl celebration in Kansas City, a mass shooting took the life of a mother of two children and injured 22 others.[iv] On January 22, 2025, two days after Trump’s inauguration, a shooting took place at Antioch High School in the Nashville area. It left one student dead and another wounded. These are just some examples of programmed individuals being activated by these programming events.
Melania’s attire may be another example of “revelation of the method,” reminiscent of V for Vendetta.
Notice the shape of the first lady’s collar, it makes a V. The hatpulled down over her eyes is symbolic of the character V for Vendetta, a masked anarchist who uses guerilla like terrorist attacks on a tyrannical government. “The film, set in a future where a fascist totalitarian regime has subjugated the UK, centres on V, an anarchist and masked freedom fighter who attempts to ignite a revolution through elaborate terrorist acts, and on Evey Hammond, a young woman caught up in V's mission.”[v]
What exactly is Melania trying to communicate?
Anarchists view V for Vendetta as an allegory for the oppression of overreaching governments and they use it to bolster their beliefs. The mask is symbolic of programming because multiple personalities hide behind the façade of the presenter part who displays the desired persona to the public.
The midnight blue jacket Melania wore during the inauguration may have signaled the Delta programming which triggers people trained in military activities such as sabotage, assassinations, and surveillance. Given that the midnight blue appeared black in some lighting as well as the black and white dress she wore for the inaugural ball, Melania may have been sending comms for black and white programming as well. Again, this all ties in to the black and white graphics in V for Vendetta.
DJT and Melania at the 2025 Inaugural Ball
The black and white programming is foundational in Satanic Ritual Abuse. It teaches that Satan and God are equal powers; they are rivals who are evenly matched, think of the yin and yang symbol as an illustration of this. Black and white programming is ingrained in the person typically after a death experience or an extreme betrayal that causes a core split. Programmers purposely and repeatedly split a person into opposite parts. The white part sees the world as good and cannot imagine that evil is so pervasive. The black part is intertwined with deep pain from the evil they have been forced to participate in. The black part can carry the rage of the injustice, the hopelessness of torture, the helplessness of captivity, and the purposeful abandonment and betrayal that create the foundation for these programs. They believe they have personified evil and must carry out their assigned role in the programming when it is triggered. They can long for death and have no problem carrying out violent programs. Their values are polar opposite of the white part.
We see black/white programming on display in many ways throughout our culture. A classic example is the checkerboard floor found in Masonic lodges. But this design is not limited to the Freemasons.
The unveiling of the newly renovated Notre Dame showcased the new checkerboard floor. The rededication ceremony took place in December 2024 and was by invitation only. Trump and Melania
were present along with many other dignitaries. However, the black/white programming is not reserved just for high religion or secret societies. It has been used frequently in design, such as, the quintessential American diner.
Golden Age
In Part One, I addressed the revelation of the method in Trump’s phrase “Golden Age of America.” Interestingly, following Trump’s first presidential victory in 2016, Melania took the stage to the song “Age of Aquarius”. This was another example of revelation of the method. The “Golden Age” is synonymous with “Age of Aquarius.” Alice Bailey’s writings speak about Aquarius,
“When the Great Invocation is thus rightly used and the world centres are consequently consciously interrelated, then certain extra-planetary Energies can be called in by the Ruler of Shamballa to aid in the re-adjustments required for the New Age and its coming civilisation. These Forces — spiritual and potent in nature — exist in two categories: solar Forces which are inter-planetary and cosmic Forces which enter into our solar system via Jupiter as the transmitter of divine energies from Virgo and Aquarius which Jupiter esoterically governs. Virgo is esoterically the mother of the Christ child and is, therefore, the emanator of energies which nourish and aid the growth of the Christ consciousness; Aquarius is the coming expression of the group consciousness which is the first and immediate revelation of the ever present Christ consciousness on a large scale in humanity…Thus the mass of humanity will be stimulated to move forward into light, and the new world cycle, beginning in Aquarius, will be definitely inaugurated by humanity itself.”[vi]
The Trump’s Manhattan Penthouse is the epitome of iconic symbolism reflecting the “Golden Age.” It features marble floors and columns with 24-karat gold accents throughout. Notice the prominent placement of the painting of Apollo led in his chariot by Aurora as well as the bronze statue of the Greek gods, Eros and Psyche. Apollo is the son of Zeus in Greek mythology. “Apollo is an Olympian god of light, music and poetry, healing and plagues, prophecy and knowledge, order and beauty, archery and agriculture... As a sun god, he was called ‘Phoebus,’ or ‘bright.’”[vii] Aurora is known as the goddess of the dawn and often depicted with an array of color for which we get the name Aurora Borealis. May I suggest, this is not the décor of a man who is following after Christ.
At Mar-a-Lago, a goat statue with golden hooves signed by DJT is now on display. It is covered with fake $100 bills with Trump’s face replacing Benjamin Franklin’s saying, "In Trump We Trust," instead of, “In God We Trust.” It will be used in an auction to raise funds against human trafficking. Hmmm… yet another display of revelation of the method.
Appealing to a Higher Jurisdiction
I imagine for some of you, reading this article may have been aggravating. Perhaps some didn’t even get this far before moving on. And that’s okay. My hope is that I’ve presented a perspective that causes us to consider that things may not seem as they appear with Trump. I want to encourage us all to take a step back and consider the big picture.
While it may be disheartening, I think we can be thankful that during the inauguration, Trump displayed that his allegiance does not lie with Almighty God, maker of heaven and earth. It helps us break free from the deception that he is a Christian. It also can fuel our intercession that he will lay aside his agenda as well as the Nephilim agenda and instead seek to govern according to the Lord’s precepts. When Trump’s policies align with the purposes of God, this is something to celebrate, but we must refrain from carte blanche allegiance to Trump through statements like “trust the plan, trust Trump, In Trump We Trust.” As with any leader, we are encouraged to pray for them and weigh their actions and words against the plumbline of Scripture.
WE DO NOT CONSENT to being sucked into the magic circle of the Hegelian dialectic that hoodwinks us to believe the “light side” is synonymous with a Biblical worldview. We declare that our allegiance is NOT to the Luciferian light side that is currently destroying the Satanic dark side. Our allegiance is to the One who deposes kings and raises them up (Daniel 2:20-22). Our allegiance is to Almighty God who has the highest jurisdiction. Our trust is in God alone. King Jesus is the only true Light of the world; the only light that dispels the darkness.
I John 1:5 “This is the message we have heard from Him and declare to you: God is light; in Him there is no darkness at all.”
John 1:1-5 “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made: without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it.”
Let us be encouraged that God is the Alpha and Omega. Jesus has made a spectacle of every power and authority, including Apollo, Aurora, Eros, and Psyche, when He triumphed over them at the cross.
Colossians 2:15 “And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross.”
Written by Laura Sanger, Ph.D.
[i] Wurtz, R II (n.d.) An Introduction to Hebrew Thought. Retrieved from https://www.sermonindex.net/modules/articles/index.php?view=article&aid=3324
[ii] Fitzgerald, J. (November 23, 2024). Just How Big Was Donald Trump’s Election Victory? BBC. https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cn5w9w160xdo
[iii] Dinsmore, J. (April 11, 2019). Masonic Motto: Ordo Ab Chao. https://www.universalfreemasonry.org/en/article/ordo-ab-chao
[iv] Associated Press February 14, 2024. Kansas City attempts to recover after a mass shooting during its Super Bowl celebration. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/kansas-city-attempts-to-recover-after-a-mass-shooting-during-its-super-bowl-celebration
[v] V for Vendetta (Film). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/V_for_Vendetta_(film)
[vi] Bailey, A. (1957). The Externalization of the Hierarchy. Lucis Trust.